For a Fridge – select the evaporator whose maximum fridge capacity is closest to the volume of the insulated box you are refrigerating. If the plate is too big it will not stay cold enough and will cause condensation making your fridge very wet.
For a Freezer – always select the largest plate possible, you cannot over size a freezer plate. A true freezer is rated at -18°C or below. (4 star rating). For a 5 star fast freeze freezer you need to achieve -26°C and below to pull things down to frozen without risk of a temperature rise which could affect existing food in the freezer.
For a combination system the same rules apply as a freezer, specify the biggest plate possible.
Cold Box Evaporator
Selecting the correct type of evaporator
Box evaporators can be mounted horizontally or vertically, allowing an area to store frozen food and make ice. Horizontal mounting is ideal for front opening fridges or top opening where the lid does not cover the whole of the box, (leaving a return to mount the plate).
Flat or Plate evaporators are more suited to top loading boxes, especially freezers, combination systems or fridges where the lid reveals the complete box. They can also be used for front opening fridges where no ice box is required.
Flat plate evaporators can be bent to suit the shape of your insulated box All our plate evaporators can be bent to suit your insulated box. We will need your box dimensions, size of lid opening and where you wan the pipes to exit and we can then send you a sketch of how we will bend the plate confirming dimensions.