Flostream Micro fresh water filters now standard on RP Motorhomes new off-grid Rebellion

Flostream Micro fresh water filters now standard on RP Motorhomes new off-grid Rebellion

RP Motorhome's new Rebellion is the ultimate overland, all terrain, off grid vehicle. The 7.0m Mercedes Benz V6 4x4 panel van conversion is designed to operate in the harshest of environments, with every fitting and feature chosen for longevity and reliability.

"The Rebellion is the ultimate off-grid motorhome,” says Steve Young of RP Motorhomes. "Its users need to be totally self-sufficient, so we've done a lot of research to ensure that every component will withstand the toughest environment.” Working closely with Wave International's UK supplier Penguin, RP Motorhomes selected the Flostream Micro HIFLO 10 water filter to provide clean, safe and fresh tasting drinking water in the Rebellion. Fitted between the vehicle's two 100 litre onboard water tanks and the galley taps, the Flostream Micro HIFLO 10 provides a mighty 10 litres per minute flow rate of fresh and clean filtered water.

"We did thorough research on the range of water filters available, and the Flostream Micro came out best in terms of its fast flow rate, compact size, strength and durability, and the easy-to-replace sophisticated cartridge filters,” says Steve.

The Flostream Micro HIFLO 10 multi-media cartridge filters remove all impurities down to 10 microns. For comparison, a human hair is 50 microns in diameter, and anything below 40 microns is invisible to the human eye.

The combination of filters within the Flostream ensure that all chlorine taste and bad odour is removed, as well as heavy metals and other impurities. In addition, with its built-in bacteriostatic control, the Flostream removes cyst and harmful bacteria, and prevents any risk of micro-bacterial growth when the water filter is not in use.

"For a vehicle which may be spending many months off grid, the Flostream will significantly improve the taste and quality of water coming from the tank, no matter how long the water has been stored there or how poor the original source. We will recommend that users carry replacement filters with them, and we will also replace filters during the annual habitation check service that we carry out,” says Steve.

A key feature in the selection of the Flostream Micro HiFLO10 was its compact size. Measuring just 169mm by 133mm, RP Motorhomes says another key advantage was the easy installation into a compact space, using the integral housing bracket and 0.75 inch British Standard Pipe thread or 15mm push fit piping connector.

Zeb Elliott of Penguin Refrigeration, the UK distributor for Wave's RV and caravan products, is delighted that the Micro HIFLO10 passed RP Motorhomes "tough test” criteria. He says, "In the Rebellion, people will go to remote places, and will want to look after the environment and their health by avoiding single use plastics and be confident of the quality of the water they are drinking. Flostream's Micro HIFLO10 filters out all the bad stuff and delivers great tasting clean drinking water at an impressive 10 litres per minute.”Flostream micro drinking water filter

Product spec & details of the Micro Hiflo 10

For more information on the Off-grid Rebellion contact Steve Young at RP Motorhomes, on 0113 2509826, or by email: info@rpmotorhomes.com