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Finding the Vitrifrigo spare part you want

Use our new exploded drawings (with part numbers) to find the Vitrifrigo spare part you require.

To find your Vitrifrigo spare part, go to the product page for the fridge or freezer that you are looking to find a spare part for.  At the bottom of the page you will find the exploded diagram under downloads. Simply click the link to download and open the PDF exploded diagram.

Vitrifrigo exploded diagram

Identify the number of the part you wish to purchase then find the stock code and description in the information list (see below). Once you have the part number for the item you require, enter it into the search box at the top of the Penguinfrigo website.

Vitrifrigo spare partsPlease Note: It may be necessary to scroll down to the bottom of the list of information displayed to find your part number details.

Click on the part number to display the product details and price for ordering.

If you can’t find the part on our website, please email us at [email protected] with the part number of the Vitrifrigo spare part you are looking for and we will get back to you with the price and lead time.


Have you thought about drawer fridges?

Take a look at the Vitrifrigo D20 and D30 drawer fridges. These are packed with features including the ability to run as freezers. For more information email us at [email protected] or call: 02392 453430